Posted By: NOPHTEA .COM In: Benefits Of Tea On: Friday, June 2, 2017 Comment: 0 Hit: 645


Note 1: should not drink before sleeping

Green tea contains caffeine and other ingredients, caffeine role in the human body, will make the body's nerve center excitement. On the contrary, if you drink before going to bed, it will affect people's sleep quality, people can not sleep well.

Note 2: not fasting drink

We know that in the case of fasting, diet and other aspects to be noted. At the same time for the Green tea, should not drink in the case of fasting, if drinking too much, will have an impact on the human stomach, adverse gastrointestinal health.


Note 3: should not drink when having medicine

Green tea contains tannic acid and other ingredients, these ingredients will react with the ingredients in the drug reaction, reduce the efficacy, so do not drink tea when drinking medicine.



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